[Iccrg] Proposal for ICCRG operations

Douglas Leith doug at eee.strath.ac.uk
Fri Feb 3 02:42:08 GMT 2006

>So, the panel isn't for several hours (at PFLDnet 2006) but one thing  
>that has become clear to me so far is that this community has not  
>converged on metrics and scenarios for evaluation.  The TMRG work is  
>really needed to make progress.

Lets see what the panel outcome is, but maybe you're a little too pessimistic here.  

My impression is that there actually is really quite a good consensus of the broad framework for testing.  Tests by ourselves and the north carolina folks have converged to very similar setups and metrics.  There is even a common subset of tests that we have both been using and that also seem to have a wider ground-swell of support.  Fertile ground for TMRG acitivity.

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