[Iccrg] ICCRG meeting shifted to 12/13 February!

Michael Welzl Michael.Welzl at uibk.ac.at
Fri Jan 5 08:59:44 GMT 2007

Dear all,

Due to a date conflict with a Microsoft meeting, our meeting
will be shifted to 12/13 February.

Everything else will stay as it was:
* the location will be ISI, as before (co-located with Pfldnet)
* the agenda which I posted previously (see
http://oakham.cs.ucl.ac.uk/pipermail/iccrg/2006-December/000162.html )
is still valid - and so is the call for input that I made! If
you have something to say which fits in the scope of the group,
drop me a line, give me a title.

Again, if you plan to attend (and haven't yet done so) send
me an email please.

Jitu: now that we avoided the conflict - why don't you attend
our meeting and give us a report on what happened at the
Microsoft meeting?


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