[Iccrg] SSDT Scope - summary

Stefan Hirschmann krasnoj at gmx.at
Tue Apr 8 20:55:20 BST 2008

Lachlan Andrew wrote:
 > But when we first start, we don't know if we're talking to a 300bps
 > mote or a 100GbE supercomputer.  After a single timeout, we will
 > generally (???) be using a "similar" network.

In times of QoS this assumption may be very wrong. E.g. You have two 
wires to the internet. One 1MB and one 100MB, but for the 100MB only 
HTTP is allowed all other protocols have to use the 1MB link. If youre 
first connection is an HTTP one, then the 1MB link will be overshot, the 
other way round you'll have to wait for a long time to satisfy the 100MB 
if you increase just linear.

The first mentioned problem, with 1MB link get 100 MB data could be 
solved in one RTT, but in this case 99MB data get dropped. This would be 
an overshot of the factor 100 and much worser than slowstart.

Cheers Stefan

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