[Iccrg] Next ICCRG meeting: Agenda

Michael Welzl michael.welzl at uibk.ac.at
Thu Jan 24 07:14:06 GMT 2008

Hi all,

As announced previously, the next ICCRG meeting will
be co-located with Pfldnet just like last year.
This time, it will be in Manchester, UK.
For details about the place etc., please check the
pfldnet webpage at: http://www.hep.man.ac.uk/PFLDnet2008/

The date is shifting a little bit: PFLDNet will have
a reception on the evening of 5 March, so we should have
our meeting on that same day to allow for a smooth
transition for those ( = presumably most ) of us who will
want to attend both events. Depending on how the agenda
evolves, we could include the day before too (4 May).

If you have any topics that you would like to discuss
at that meeting, send me a short message by the end
of January with the title of your talk and any other
information you would like to add; also, let me know
how much time you'd like to have for your talk.



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