[Iccrg] sending rate of a TCP flow

aydin at mail.eecis.udel.edu aydin at mail.eecis.udel.edu
Fri Oct 23 04:42:52 BST 2009


Based on the TCP-friendly equation, sending rate of a TCP flow depends on
RTT, MSS, and loss rate.

hypothesis: When N long-lived TCP flows (with the same RTT and MSS values)
share a bottleneck link in a dumbbell  topology (all the edge links have
the same delay and bandwidth), I expect each TCP flow to have the same
sending rate -- Assume no other cross traffic in the network and drop-tail

Do you know any references (simulation-, emulation-, or real
experiment-based studies) that prove this hypothesis or the opposite?

ilknur Aydin
ps. Please let me know if there is a more appropriate mailing list to post
this question.

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