As promised just now, S.3.5 of the paper below gives a brief lit review
of work on congestion control where the sources only send one message
each with long periods between messages, but there may be a lot of
It also discusses other issues like how to push-back on data rate, when
the data is generated by physical world events (slow down the world, I
want to get off!).<br><br>
The Implications of Pervasive Computing on Network Design, Bob Briscoe
(BT), chapter in Alan Steventon and Steve Wright (Eds.)
<a href="http://www.springer.com/west/home/computer/information+systems?SGWID=4-152-22-52111275-0">
<i>Intelligent spaces</a></i> (2006), Springer Verlag, ISBN:
1-84628-002-8 (25pp, 66 refs, 13 figs; pre-print) <br>
<<a href="http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/B.Briscoe/pubs.html#pervimp" eudora="autourl">
Bob Briscoe, <bob.briscoe@bt.com>
Networks Research Centre, BT Research<br>
B54/77 Adastral Park,Martlesham Heath,Ipswich,IP5
3RE,UK. +44 1473 645196</body>