[Nets-seminars] Fwd: [please attend!] UCL CS Faculty Candidate Talk: Ran Ben Basat, 4 PM Wednesday 27th May

Brad Karp bkarp at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Tue May 26 20:56:55 BST 2020

Please do join us for the below UCL CS Systems and Networks Faculty Candidate talk, where Ran Ben Basat (currently a postdoc at Harvard CS working with Minlan Yu and Michael Mitzenmacher) will present his work. Ran has published repeatedly in SIGCOMM, as well as in SIGMOD and VLDB. Should be an enjoyable talk!

Talk to be delivered over Microsoft Teams; link to join at foot of talk announcement email below.

See you there,
-Brad, bkarp at cs.ucl.ac.uk <mailto:bkarp at cs.ucl.ac.uk>

Subject: [please attend!] UCL CS Faculty Candidate Talk: Ran Ben Basat, 4 PM Wednesday 27th May
Date: May 26, 2020 at 8:50:18 PM GMT+1
To: research at cs.ucl.ac.uk

Greetings, everyone.

It’s my pleasure to warmly invite all of you, across all of UCL CS, to attend a faculty candidate talk to be given TOMORROW, Wednesday 27th May at 4 PM, by Ran Ben Basat, who is interviewing for a Lecturer position in the Systems and Networks Research Group.

In today’s circumstances, when events we’ve always held in person must be held remotely, it’s especially important that we engage with candidates at their online talks: they are considering whether they might like to join our department, and we must pull together to welcome them and convey interest and community.

A quick word on how we’ll ask questions during the talk:

Please mute your microphone and don’t send video when you join the Teams session. If you have a question, please use the “Raise your hand” button (hand icon in the bar of buttons that appears in the center of the bottom of the main window) in the Teams UI. I will moderate and interrupt the speaker at an opportune moment to indicate that there’s a question, and invite you by name to ask your question. At that point, please turn on video (nice for candidate to see questioner!), unmute, lower your hand, and ask your question. (We’re moderating questions in this way because it’s too difficult for the candidate to watch for the tiny “hand raised” indications in the UI while trying to deliver a talk.)

Title, abstract, bio, and Teams joining information follow.

See you at 4 PM tomorrow,
-Brad, bkarp at cs.ucl.ac.uk <mailto:bkarp at cs.ucl.ac.uk>


UCL CS Faculty Candidate Talk

Wednesday May 27th, 4 - 5:30 PM

Speaker: Ran Ben Basat, Harvard University

Title: Leveraging Programmable Switches for In-network Computing


The network line rate is constantly on the rise to support the exploding amounts of data. This means that we have less time to process individual packets, despite a growing demand for better network telemetry. Moreover, CPU speeds are not rising at the same rate as we near the end of Moore’s law, making it harder to rely on software computations.

Programmable hardware switches are an emerging technology that enables flexible packet processing while optimizing for throughput and latency. In this talk, I will introduce algorithms that leverage programmable switches for accelerating database operations and for improving network telemetry. Switches are orders of magnitude more efficient than traditional hardware accelerators, exist in the datapath, and are ideal for computation offloading. For telemetry, we will discuss how switches can probabilistically encode information across multiple packets to provide fine-grained network visibility with minimal overheads.


Ran is a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, hosted by Minlan Yu and Michael Mitzenmacher, working on network monitoring and algorithms. He is partially sponsored by the Zuckerman and the Hiroshi Fujiwara Cyber Security Research Center postdoctoral fellowships. Ran received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. from the Computer Science department at Technion.

Microsoft Teams joining information:
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting <https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YTEyOTIyNTQtYjg0Zi00ZGZjLWFiYjEtNWZjZGM5ODBkYTAz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221faf88fe-a998-4c5b-93c9-210a11d9a5c2%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d9621422-697b-4916-879d-f967df42ee26%22%7d>Learn more about Teams <https://aka.ms/JoinTeamsMeeting>

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