[Sumover-dev] [svn commit] r4039 - vic/branches/mpeg4/tcl

sumover-dev at cs.ucl.ac.uk sumover-dev at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Tue May 29 23:23:12 BST 2007

Author: piers
Date: Tue May 29 23:23:11 2007
New Revision: 4039


This is the missing attachment from AG buzilla (#1561) update to autoplace for Horizontal and vertical placement. 
My old fix for unintialised bounding boxed added, plus one more for the rectangle creation in ag_build_autoplacer() - I had to remove a "\" character.

Modified: vic/branches/mpeg4/tcl/autoplace_ui.tcl
--- vic/branches/mpeg4/tcl/autoplace_ui.tcl	(original)
+++ vic/branches/mpeg4/tcl/autoplace_ui.tcl	Tue May 29 23:23:11 2007
@@ -1,543 +1,733 @@
-namespace eval ag_autoplace {
-    namespace export show_ui
-    variable therect
-    variable scale
-    variable startx
-    variable starty
-    variable endx
-    variable endy
-    variable maxx
-    variable minx
-    variable maxy
-    variable miny
-    variable canvas
-    variable ap_active
-    variable top
-    proc show_ui {} {
-	variable top
-	variable ap_active
-	global ag_autoplace_active
-	if [info exists ag_autoplace_active] {
-	    set ap_active $ag_autoplace_active
-	} else {
-	    set ap_active 0
-	}
-	if { ! [info exists top ]} {
-	    ag_puts "in show_ui [namespace current]"
-	    set top [build_ui]
-	}
-	init_ui
-	wm deiconify $top 
-    }
-    proc init_ui {} {
-	global tcl_platform ag_win ag_window_grid_mode
-	global ag_window_grid_base_x ag_window_grid_base_y
-        global ag_window_grid_width ag_window_grid_height
-	variable therect
-	variable scale
-	variable startx
-	variable starty
-	variable endx
-	variable endy
-	variable maxx
-	variable minx
-	variable maxy
-	variable miny
-	variable ap_active
-	variable canvas
-	set platform $tcl_platform(platform)
-	set win_width $ag_win($ag_window_grid_mode,$platform,width)
-	set win_height $ag_win($ag_window_grid_mode,$platform,height)
-	if { $ap_active } { 
-	    set startx [expr int($ag_window_grid_base_x * $scale)]
-	    set starty [expr int($ag_window_grid_base_y * $scale)]
-	    set endx [expr int(($ag_window_grid_base_x + $ag_window_grid_width * $win_width)*$scale)]
-	    set endy [expr int(($ag_window_grid_base_y + $ag_window_grid_height * $win_height)*$scale)]
-	    update_grid_vars
-	    if [ info exists therect ] {
-		$canvas delete $therect
-	    }
-	    set therect [$canvas create rectangle $startx $starty $endx $endy -fill blue]
-	}
-    }
-    proc build_ui {} {
-	variable top
-	variable ap_active
-	set top .autoplace
-	toplevel $top
-	set mon_list [get_monitors]
-	if { $mon_list == ""} {
-	    ag_puts "Did not find monitor list"
-	    set mon_list [list [ list 0 0 [winfo screenwidth $top] [winfo screenheight $top]]]
-	}
-	ag_puts "Using monitor list $mon_list"
-	frame $top.ap
-	pack $top.ap -fill both
-	ag_build_autoplacer $top.ap $mon_list
-	frame $top.status
-	pack $top.status
-	checkbutton $top.status.active -text "Autoplace activated" \
-		-variable ag_autoplace::ap_active 
-	pack $top.status.active -side left
-	frame $top.status.sizef -borderwidth 1 -relief ridge
-	global ag_window_grid_mode
-	if {! [info exists ag_window_grid_mode] } { set ag_autoplace_size medium }
-	radiobutton $top.status.sizef.small -text "Small" \
-		-variable ::ag_window_grid_mode -value small 
-	radiobutton $top.status.sizef.medium -text "Medium" \
-		-variable ::ag_window_grid_mode -value medium 
-	radiobutton $top.status.sizef.large -text "Large" \
-		-variable ::ag_window_grid_mode -value large
-	pack $top.status.sizef.small -side top -anchor w
-	pack $top.status.sizef.medium -side top -anchor w
-	pack $top.status.sizef.large -side top -anchor w
-	pack $top.status.sizef -side left
-	label $top.status.gridw -text "Grid width:"
-	label $top.status.gridh -text "Grid height:"
-	pack $top.status.gridw -side left
-	pack $top.status.gridh -side left
-	frame $top.controls
-	pack $top.controls
-	button $top.controls.apply -text "Apply" \
-		-command [namespace code {apply_placement}]
-	button $top.controls.write -text "Write vic.prefs" \
-		-command [namespace code "write_prefs"]
-	button $top.controls.quit -text "Close" \
-		-command "[namespace code {wm withdraw}] $top"
-	pack $top.controls.apply -side left
-	pack $top.controls.write -side left
-	pack $top.controls.quit -side left
-	return $top
-    }
-    proc activate_toggle {} {
-	variable ap_active
-	puts "toggle, ap_active is $ap_active"
-	variable top
-	if { $ap_active } {
-	    $top.controls.apply configure -state normal
-	} else {
-	    $top.controls.apply configure -state disabled
-	}
-    }
-    proc apply_placement {} {
-	global tcl_platform ag_win ag_window_grid_mode
-	global ag_window_grid_base_x ag_window_grid_base_y
-        global ag_window_grid_width ag_window_grid_height
-	variable grid_width
-	variable grid_height
-	variable grid_top_x
-	variable grid_top_y
-	if ![ info exists grid_top_x ] { return }
-	set ag_window_grid_base_x $grid_top_x
-	set ag_window_grid_base_y $grid_top_y
-	set ag_window_grid_width $grid_width
-	set ag_window_grid_height $grid_height
-	variable ap_active
-	ag_autoplace_apply $ap_active
-    }
-    proc write_prefs {} {
-	variable parcel_width
-	variable parcel_height
-	variable grid_width
-	variable grid_height
-	variable grid_top_x
-	variable grid_top_y
-	variable grid_bot_x
-	variable grid_bot_y
-	variable ap_active
-	global ag_window_grid_mode
-	if ![ info exists grid_top_x ] { return }
-	if { $ap_active} { set a "true" } else { set a "false" }
-	set fh [open "vic.prefs" "w"]
-	puts $fh "*ag_window_grid_mode: $ag_window_grid_mode"
-	puts $fh "*ag_enable_window_grid: $a"
-	puts $fh "*ag_window_grid_width: $grid_width"
-	puts $fh "*ag_window_grid_height: $grid_height"
-	puts $fh "*ag_window_grid_base_x: $grid_top_x"
-	puts $fh "*ag_window_grid_base_y: $grid_top_y"
-	close $fh
-    }
-    proc ag_build_autoplacer {w mon_list} {
-	variable therect
-	variable canvas
-	variable scale
-	variable startx
-	variable starty
-	variable endx
-	variable endy
-	variable maxx
-	variable minx
-	variable maxy
-	variable miny
-	variable canv_width
-	variable canv_height
-	#
-	# mon_list is a list of rects that define the
-	# monitors used in th syestem.
-	#
-	# Compute a aggregate top-left and bottom-right rect, in monitor
-	# coordinate space and use that as the size of this canvas.
-	#
-	foreach mon $mon_list {
-	    set montopx [lindex $mon 0]
-	    set montopy [lindex $mon 1]
-	    set monbotx [lindex $mon 2]
-	    set monboty [lindex $mon 3]
-	    if [ info exists minx ] {
-		if { $montopx < $minx } { set minx $montopx }
-		if { $montopy < $miny } { set miny $montopy }
-		if { $monbotx > $maxx } { set maxx $monbotx }
-		if { $monboty > $maxy } { set maxy $monboty }
-	    } else {
-		set minx $montopx
-		set miny $montopy
-		set maxx $monbotx
-		set maxy $monboty
-	    }
-	}
-	set mon_width [ expr $maxx - $minx + 1]
-	set mon_height [ expr $maxy - $miny + 1]
-	#
-	# compute a scale to bring the max width to half the current screen,
-	# and max height to half the current screen height.
-	#
-	set xtarg [expr [winfo screenwidth $w] / 2.0]
-	set xscale [expr $xtarg / $mon_width]
-	set ytarg [expr [winfo screenheight $w] / 2.0]
-	set yscale [expr $ytarg / $mon_height]
-	puts "$xtarg $xscale  $ytarg $yscale $mon_width $mon_height"
-	if { $xscale < $yscale } {
-	    set scale $xscale
-	} else {
-	    set scale $yscale
-	}
-	if { $scale > 1 } {
-	    set scale 1
-	}
-	# Adjust max/min to canvas coords for later use in clipping
-	#
-	set maxx [ expr round($maxx * $scale) ]
-	set maxy [ expr round($maxy * $scale) ]
-	set minx [ expr round($minx * $scale) ]
-	set miny [ expr round($miny * $scale) ]
-	set canv_width [expr $scale * $mon_width + 1]
-	set canv_height [expr $scale * $mon_height + 1]
-	puts "xscale=$xscale yscale=$yscale using=$scale"
-	set c $w.canvas
-	set canvas $c
-	canvas $c -width $canv_width  -height $canv_height
-	pack $c -fill both
-	$c xview moveto 0
-	$c yview moveto 0
-#	bind $c <Configure> {
-#	    %W xview moveto 0
-#	    %W yview moveto 0
-#	}
-	#
-	# Draw the monitor rects
-	#
-	foreach mon $mon_list {
-	    set montopx [expr round([lindex $mon 0] * $scale - $minx)]
-	    set montopy [expr round([lindex $mon 1] * $scale - $miny)]
-	    set monbotx [expr round([lindex $mon 2] * $scale - $minx)]
-	    set monboty [expr round([lindex $mon 3] * $scale - $miny)]
-	    puts "$montopx $montopy $monbotx $monboty"
-	    set r [$c create rectangle $montopx $montopy $monbotx $monboty \
-		    -outline red  -fill white]
-	}
-	bind $c <ButtonPress-1> "[namespace code start_rubberband] $c %x %y"
-	bind $c <B1-Motion> "[namespace code continue_rubberband] $c %x %y"
-	bind $c <ButtonRelease-1> "[namespace code finish_rubberband] $c "
-    }
-    proc update_grid_vars {} {
-	variable scale
-	variable startx
-	variable starty
-	variable endx
-	variable endy
-	variable maxx
-	variable minx
-	variable maxy
-	variable miny
-	variable parcel_width
-	variable parcel_height
-	variable grid_width
-	variable grid_height
-	variable grid_top_x
-	variable grid_top_y
-	variable grid_bot_x
-	variable grid_bot_y
-	variable win_width
-	variable win_height
-	#
-	# Calculate the grid sizes
-	#
-	global tcl_platform ag_win ag_window_grid_mode
-	global ag_window_grid_base_x ag_window_grid_base_y
-        global ag_window_grid_width ag_window_grid_height
-	set platform $tcl_platform(platform)
-	set win_width $ag_win($ag_window_grid_mode,$platform,width)
-	set win_height $ag_win($ag_window_grid_mode,$platform,height)
-	#
-	# Sort the start/end positions so that start is at top left
-	# and end is at bottom right
-	#
-	if { $startx > $endx } { 
-	    set grid_top_x $endx
-	    set grid_bot_x $startx
-	} else {
-	    set grid_top_x $startx
-	    set grid_bot_x $endx
-	}
-	if { $starty > $endy } { 
-	    set grid_top_y $endy
-	    set grid_bot_y $starty
-	} else {
-	    set grid_top_y $starty
-	    set grid_bot_y $endy
-	}
-	#
-	# Translate and scale to screen coordinates, 
-	#
-	set grid_top_x [expr int(($grid_top_x + $minx) / $scale)]
-	set grid_top_y [expr int(($grid_top_y + $miny) / $scale)]
-	set grid_bot_x [expr int(($grid_bot_x + $minx) / $scale)]
-	set grid_bot_y [expr int(($grid_bot_y + $miny) / $scale)]
-	set parcel_width [expr $grid_bot_x - $grid_top_x]
-	set parcel_height [expr $grid_bot_y - $grid_top_y]
-	set grid_width [expr int(floor($parcel_width / $win_width))]
-	set grid_height [expr int(floor($parcel_height / $win_height))]
-    }
-    proc start_rubberband {c x y} {
-	variable therect
-	variable gridrect
-	variable scale
-	variable startx
-	variable starty
-	variable endx
-	variable endy
-	variable maxx
-	variable minx
-	variable maxy
-	variable miny
-	variable canv_width
-	variable canv_height
-	if { $x < 0 } { set x 0 }
-	if { $x > $canv_width } { set x $canv_width }
-	if { $y < 0 } { set y 0 }
-	if { $y > $canv_height } { set y $canv_height; puts "max" }
-	set startx $x
-	set starty $y
-	set endx $x
-	set endy $y
-	if [ info exists therect ] {
-	    $c delete $therect
-	}
-	if [info exists gridrect ] {
-	    $c delete $gridrect
-	}
-	set therect [$c create rectangle $x $y $x $y]
-	update_grid_vars
-	variable grid_top_x
-	variable grid_top_y
-	variable grid_width
-	variable grid_height
-	variable win_width
-	variable win_height
-	variable minx
-	variable miny
-	set gr_x [expr int($grid_top_x * $scale - $minx)]
-	set gr_y [expr int($grid_top_y * $scale - $miny) ]
-	set gr_xe [expr int(($grid_top_x + $win_width * $grid_width) * $scale)]
-	set gr_ye [expr int(($grid_top_y + $win_height * $grid_height) * $scale)]
-	set gridrect [$c create rectangle $gr_x $gr_y $gr_xe $gr_ye \
-	    -fill blue]
-    }	
-    proc continue_rubberband {c x y} {
-	variable therect
-	variable gridrect
-	variable scale
-	variable startx
-	variable starty
-	variable endx
-	variable endy
-	variable maxx
-	variable minx
-	variable maxy
-	variable miny
-	variable top
-	variable canv_width
-	variable canv_height
-	if { $x < 0 } { set x 0 }
-	if { $x > $canv_width } { set x $canv_width }
-	if { $y < 0 } { set y 0 }
-	if { $y > $canv_height } { set y $canv_height; puts "max" }
-	set endx $x
-	set endy $y
-	$c coords $therect $startx $starty $endx $endy
-	update_grid_vars
-	variable grid_width 
-	variable grid_height
-	variable grid_top_x
-	variable grid_top_y
-	variable win_width
-	variable win_height
-	variable minx
-	variable miny
-	set gr_x [expr int($grid_top_x * $scale - $minx)]
-	set gr_y [expr int($grid_top_y * $scale - $miny) ]
-	set gr_xe [expr int(($grid_top_x + $win_width * $grid_width) * $scale)]
-	set gr_ye [expr int(($grid_top_y + $win_height * $grid_height) * $scale)]
-#	puts "S: $startx $starty $endx $endy"
-#	puts "G: $scale $minx $miny $grid_top_x $grid_top_y $gr_x $gr_y $gr_xe $gr_ye"
-	$c coords $gridrect $gr_x $gr_y $gr_xe $gr_ye
-	$top.status.gridw configure -text "Grid width: $grid_width"
-	$top.status.gridh configure -text "Grid height: $grid_height"
-    }
-    proc finish_rubberband {c } {
-    }
-#  global ag_win
-#      set ag_win(small,unix,width) 250
-#      set ag_win(small,unix,height) 200
-#      set ag_win(small,windows,width) 185
-#      set ag_win(small,windows,height) 172
-#      set ag_win(medium,unix,width) 365
-#      set ag_win(medium,unix,height) 338
-#      set ag_win(medium,windows,width) 360
-#      set ag_win(medium,windows,height) 322
-#button .doit -text "show autoplacer" -command {ag_autoplace::show_ui}
-#pack .doit
-#  global ag_autoplace_size ag_autoplace_active
-#  set ag_autoplace_size medium
-#  set ag_autoplace_active 1
-#  ag_autoplace::show_ui
-#ag_autoplace::ag_build_autoplacer .apholder { { 0 0 1280 996 } { 1280 0 2304 768 } }
-#{{0 0 1023 767} {1024 0 2047 767} {0 768 1279 1791} }
+# changes, Roman: 
+#	- indentations included ;)
+#	- update the grid-size after pressing the radiobuttons (small,medium,large)
+#	- insert windows placement: horizontally or vertically
+#       - new feature: press shif+mousebutton1 to drag the whole placinggrid
+#	- new visually subdivisioning of the placinggrid
+#       - new arrangement of ui-frames, I hope this was OK.
+#	to be done: do not place videowindows "between" displays
+namespace eval ag_autoplace {
+    namespace export show_ui
+    variable therect
+    variable scale
+    variable startx
+    variable starty
+    variable endx
+    variable endy
+    variable maxx
+    variable minx
+    variable maxy
+    variable miny
+    variable canvas
+    variable ap_active
+    variable top
+    proc show_ui {} {
+		variable top
+		variable ap_active
+		global ag_autoplace_active
+		if [info exists ag_autoplace_active] {
+			set ap_active $ag_autoplace_active
+		} else {
+			set ap_active 0
+		}
+		if { ! [info exists top ]} {
+			ag_puts "in show_ui [namespace current]"
+			set top [build_ui]
+		}
+		init_ui
+		wm deiconify $top 
+    }
+    proc init_ui {} {
+		global tcl_platform ag_win ag_window_grid_mode
+		global ag_window_grid_base_x ag_window_grid_base_y
+		global ag_window_grid_width ag_window_grid_height
+		variable therect
+		variable scale
+		variable startx
+		variable starty
+		variable endx
+		variable endy
+		variable maxx
+		variable minx
+		variable maxy
+		variable miny
+		variable ap_active
+		variable canvas
+		set platform $tcl_platform(platform)
+		set win_width $ag_win($ag_window_grid_mode,$platform,width)
+		set win_height $ag_win($ag_window_grid_mode,$platform,height)
+		if { $ap_active } { 
+			set startx [expr int($ag_window_grid_base_x * $scale)]
+			set starty [expr int($ag_window_grid_base_y * $scale)]
+			set endx [expr int(($ag_window_grid_base_x + $ag_window_grid_width * $win_width)*$scale)]
+			set endy [expr int(($ag_window_grid_base_y + $ag_window_grid_height * $win_height)*$scale)]
+			update_grid_vars $canvas
+			if [ info exists therect ] {
+			$canvas delete $therect
+			}
+			# set therect [$canvas create rectangle $startx $starty $endx $endy -fill blue]
+		}
+    }
+    proc build_ui {} {
+		variable top
+		variable ap_active
+		set top .autoplace
+		toplevel $top
+		set mon_list [get_monitors]
+		if { $mon_list == ""} {
+			ag_puts "Did not find monitor list"
+			set mon_list [list [ list 0 0 [winfo screenwidth $top] [winfo screenheight $top]]]
+		}
+		ag_puts "Using monitor list $mon_list"
+		frame $top.ap -relief ridge -borderwidth 3
+		pack $top.ap -fill both -expand 1 
+		ag_build_autoplacer $top.ap $mon_list
+		#
+		# statusframe below the windowscanvases
+		#
+		frame $top.status -relief flat
+		pack  $top.status -fill both
+		global ag_window_grid_placement
+		#
+		# alignment radiobuttons
+		#
+		frame       $top.status.direction     -relief ridge -borderwidth 3
+		label       $top.status.direction.label           -text "Arrangement direction"
+		frame       $top.status.direction.arr -relief flat
+		radiobutton $top.status.direction.arr.horizontal  -text "Horizontal" -variable ::ag_window_grid_placement -value "horizontal"
+		radiobutton $top.status.direction.arr.vertical    -text "Vertical"   -variable ::ag_window_grid_placement -value "vertical"  
+		pack        $top.status.direction.label          -side top
+		pack        $top.status.direction.arr            -side top
+		pack        $top.status.direction.arr.horizontal -side left -anchor w
+		pack        $top.status.direction.arr.vertical   -side left -anchor w
+		pack        $top.status.direction            -side left -fill x -expand 1
+		if {$ag_window_grid_placement != "horizontal" && $ag_window_grid_placement != "vertical" } {
+			#ag_puts "ag_window_placement non existent!"
+			set ag_window_grid_placement "horizontal"
+		}
+		#
+		# videosize radiobuttons
+		#
+		global ag_window_grid_mode
+		if {! [info exists ag_window_grid_mode] } { 
+			set ag_autoplace_size medium 
+		}
+		frame       $top.status.sizef -relief ridge -borderwidth 3
+		label       $top.status.sizef.label           -text "Video size"
+		frame       $top.status.sizef.arr -relief flat
+		radiobutton $top.status.sizef.arr.small  -text "Small"  -variable ::ag_window_grid_mode -value small  -command [namespace code {update_grid_vars x 1}]
+		radiobutton $top.status.sizef.arr.medium -text "Medium" -variable ::ag_window_grid_mode -value medium -command [namespace code {update_grid_vars x 1}]
+		radiobutton $top.status.sizef.arr.large  -text "Large"  -variable ::ag_window_grid_mode -value large  -command [namespace code {update_grid_vars x 1}]
+		pack        $top.status.sizef.label          -side top 
+		pack        $top.status.sizef.arr            -side top
+		pack        $top.status.sizef.arr.small  -side left -anchor w
+		pack        $top.status.sizef.arr.medium -side left -anchor w
+		pack        $top.status.sizef.arr.large  -side left -anchor w
+		pack        $top.status.sizef        -side left -fill x -expand 1
+		#
+		# activate autoplace
+		#
+		checkbutton $top.status.active -text "Autoplace activated" -variable ag_autoplace::ap_active 
+		pack        $top.status.active -side right
+		#
+		# create a bottomframe 
+		#
+		frame  $top.bottomframe -relief flat
+		#
+		# Gridinfo labels
+		#
+		frame $top.bottomframe.textbox -relief flat
+		label $top.bottomframe.textbox.gridw -text "Grid width: 0"
+		label $top.bottomframe.textbox.gridh -text "Grid height: 0"
+		pack  $top.bottomframe.textbox.gridw -side left
+		pack  $top.bottomframe.textbox.gridh -side left
+		pack  $top.bottomframe.textbox       -side left
+		#
+		# buttons: Apply, Write Prefs, Close
+		#
+		frame  $top.bottomframe.controls -relief flat
+		button $top.bottomframe.controls.apply -text "Apply"            -command [namespace code {apply_placement}]
+		button $top.bottomframe.controls.write -text "Write vic.prefs"  -command [namespace code "write_prefs"]
+		button $top.bottomframe.controls.quit  -text "Close"            -command "[namespace code {wm withdraw}] $top"
+		pack   $top.bottomframe.controls.apply -side left
+		pack   $top.bottomframe.controls.write -side left
+		pack   $top.bottomframe.controls.quit  -side left	
+		pack   $top.bottomframe.controls       -side right
+		pack $top.bottomframe -side bottom -fill both 
+		return $top
+    }
+    proc activate_toggle {} {
+		variable ap_active
+		puts "toggle, ap_active is $ap_active"
+		variable top
+		if { $ap_active } {
+			$top.controls.apply configure -state normal
+		} else {
+			$top.controls.apply configure -state disabled
+		}
+    }
+    proc apply_placement {} {
+		global tcl_platform ag_win ag_window_grid_mode
+		global ag_window_grid_base_x ag_window_grid_base_y
+			global ag_window_grid_width ag_window_grid_height
+		variable grid_width
+		variable grid_height
+		variable grid_top_x
+		variable grid_top_y
+		if ![ info exists grid_top_x ] { return } 
+		set ag_window_grid_base_x $grid_top_x
+		set ag_window_grid_base_y $grid_top_y
+		set ag_window_grid_width $grid_width
+		set ag_window_grid_height $grid_height
+		variable ap_active
+		ag_autoplace_apply $ap_active
+    }
+    proc write_prefs {} {
+		ag_puts "write_prefs !"
+		variable parcel_width
+		variable parcel_height
+		variable grid_width
+		variable grid_height
+		variable grid_top_x
+		variable grid_top_y
+		variable grid_bot_x
+		variable grid_bot_y
+		variable ap_active
+		global ag_window_grid_mode
+		global ag_window_grid_placement
+		if ![ info exists grid_top_x ] { return } 
+		if {$ag_window_grid_placement != "horizontal" && $ag_window_grid_placement != "vertical"} {
+			set ag_window_grid_placement "horizontal"
+		}
+		if { $ap_active} { set a "true" } else { set a "false" }
+		set fh [open "vic.prefs" "w"]
+		puts $fh "*ag_window_grid_mode: $ag_window_grid_mode"
+		puts $fh "*ag_enable_window_grid: $a"
+		puts $fh "*ag_window_grid_width: $grid_width"
+		puts $fh "*ag_window_grid_height: $grid_height"
+		puts $fh "*ag_window_grid_base_x: $grid_top_x"
+		puts $fh "*ag_window_grid_base_y: $grid_top_y"
+		#
+		# store the placementdirection
+		#
+		ag_puts $fh "*ag_window_grid_placement: $ag_window_grid_placement"
+		close $fh
+    }
+    proc ag_build_autoplacer {w mon_list} {
+		variable therect
+		variable canvas
+		variable scale
+		variable startx
+		variable starty
+		variable endx
+		variable endy
+		variable maxx
+		variable minx
+		variable maxy
+		variable miny
+		variable canv_width
+		variable canv_height
+		#
+		# mon_list is a list of rects that define the
+		# monitors used in the syestem.
+		#
+		# Compute an aggregate top-left and bottom-right rect, in monitor
+		# coordinate space and use that as the size of this canvas.
+		#
+		foreach mon $mon_list {
+			set montopx [lindex $mon 0]
+			set montopy [lindex $mon 1]
+			set monbotx [lindex $mon 2]
+			set monboty [lindex $mon 3]
+			if [ info exists minx ] {
+			if { $montopx < $minx } { set minx $montopx }
+			if { $montopy < $miny } { set miny $montopy }
+			if { $monbotx > $maxx } { set maxx $monbotx }
+			if { $monboty > $maxy } { set maxy $monboty }
+			} else {
+			set minx $montopx
+			set miny $montopy
+			set maxx $monbotx
+			set maxy $monboty
+			}
+		}
+		set mon_width [ expr $maxx - $minx + 1]
+		set mon_height [ expr $maxy - $miny + 1]
+		#
+		# compute a scale to bring the max width to half the current screen,
+		# and max height to half the current screen height.
+		#
+		set xtarg [expr [winfo screenwidth $w] / 2.0]
+		set xscale [expr $xtarg / $mon_width]
+		set ytarg [expr [winfo screenheight $w] / 2.0]
+		set yscale [expr $ytarg / $mon_height]
+		# ag_puts "$xtarg $xscale  $ytarg $yscale $mon_width $mon_height"
+		if { $xscale < $yscale } {
+			set scale $xscale
+		} else {
+			set scale $yscale
+		}
+		if { $scale > 1 } {
+			set scale 1
+		}
+		# Adjust max/min to canvas coords for later use in clipping
+		#
+		set maxx [ expr round($maxx * $scale) ]
+		set maxy [ expr round($maxy * $scale) ]
+		set minx [ expr round($minx * $scale) ]
+		set miny [ expr round($miny * $scale) ]
+		set canv_width [expr $scale * $mon_width + 1]
+		set canv_height [expr $scale * $mon_height + 1]
+		puts "xscale=$xscale yscale=$yscale using=$scale"
+		set c $w.canvas
+		# set the global canvas
+		set canvas $c  
+		canvas $c -width $canv_width  -height $canv_height
+		pack $c -anchor center -expand 1
+		$c xview moveto 0
+		$c yview moveto 0
+	#	bind $c <Configure> {
+	#	    %W xview moveto 0
+	#	    %W yview moveto 0
+	#	}
+		#
+		# Draw the monitor rects
+		#
+		foreach mon $mon_list {
+			set montopx [expr round([lindex $mon 0] * $scale - $minx)]
+			set montopy [expr round([lindex $mon 1] * $scale - $miny)]
+			set monbotx [expr round([lindex $mon 2] * $scale - $minx)]
+			set monboty [expr round([lindex $mon 3] * $scale - $miny)]
+			puts "$montopx $montopy $monbotx $monboty"
+			set r [$c create rectangle $montopx $montopy $monbotx $monboty  -outline red  -fill white]
+		}
+		bind $c <ButtonPress-1> "[namespace code start_rubberband] $c %x %y"
+		bind $c <B1-Motion> "[namespace code continue_rubberband] $c %x %y"
+		bind $c <ButtonRelease-1> "[namespace code finish_rubberband] $c "
+		# to move the displaygrid while pressing shift-button1
+		bind $c <Shift-ButtonPress-1> "[namespace code start_move] $c %x %y"
+		bind $c <Shift-B1-Motion> "[namespace code continue_move] $c %x %y"
+    }
+    proc update_grid_vars {{lcanvas ""} {use_global_canvas 0}} {
+		variable scale
+		variable startx
+		variable starty
+		variable endx
+		variable endy
+		variable maxx
+		variable minx
+		variable maxy
+		variable miny
+		variable parcel_width
+		variable parcel_height
+		variable grid_width
+		variable grid_height
+		variable grid_top_x
+		variable grid_top_y
+		variable grid_bot_x
+		variable grid_bot_y
+		variable win_width
+		variable win_height
+		variable rect_list
+		variable rect_x
+		variable rect_y
+		variable canvas
+		variable therect
+		#
+		# Calculate the grid sizes
+		#
+		global tcl_platform ag_win ag_window_grid_mode
+		global ag_window_grid_base_x ag_window_grid_base_y
+		global ag_window_grid_width ag_window_grid_height
+		set platform $tcl_platform(platform)
+		set win_width $ag_win($ag_window_grid_mode,$platform,width)
+		set win_height $ag_win($ag_window_grid_mode,$platform,height)
+		#
+		# Sort the start/end positions so that start is at top left
+		# and end is at bottom right
+		#
+		if { $startx > $endx } { 
+			set grid_top_x $endx
+			set grid_bot_x $startx
+			set rect_x $endx
+		} else {
+			set grid_top_x $startx
+			set grid_bot_x $endx
+			set rect_x $startx
+		}
+		if { $starty > $endy } { 
+			set grid_top_y $endy
+			set grid_bot_y $starty
+			set rect_y $endy
+		} else {
+			set grid_top_y $starty
+			set grid_bot_y $endy
+			set rect_y $starty
+		}
+		#
+		# Translate and scale to screen coordinates, 
+		#
+		set grid_top_x [expr int(($grid_top_x + $minx) / $scale)]
+		set grid_top_y [expr int(($grid_top_y + $miny) / $scale)]
+		set grid_bot_x [expr int(($grid_bot_x + $minx) / $scale)]
+		set grid_bot_y [expr int(($grid_bot_y + $miny) / $scale)]
+		set parcel_width [expr $grid_bot_x - $grid_top_x]
+		set parcel_height [expr $grid_bot_y - $grid_top_y]
+		set grid_width [expr int(floor($parcel_width / $win_width))]
+		set grid_height [expr int(floor($parcel_height / $win_height))]
+		# the next three lines came from continue_rubberband
+		variable top
+		$top.bottomframe.textbox.gridw configure -text "Grid width: $grid_width"
+		$top.bottomframe.textbox.gridh configure -text "Grid height: $grid_height"
+		if {$use_global_canvas == 1} {
+			set lcanvas $canvas
+		}
+		if {$lcanvas != "" }  {
+			#
+			# delete the whole rectanglelist to display new rects
+			#
+			if [info exists rect_list] {
+				foreach rect $rect_list {
+					$lcanvas delete $rect
+				}
+			}
+			# ag_puts "Grid Top x: $grid_top_x"
+			#
+			# draw the new rectangles and append them to a list, so that we can destroy them later
+			#
+			# ag_puts "Redraw rectangles in rectangle width x height: $grid_width x $grid_height"
+			for {set i 0} {$i < $grid_width} {incr i 1} {
+				for {set ii 0} {$ii < $grid_height} {incr ii 1} {
+					lappend rect_list [$lcanvas create rectangle [expr $rect_x + $i * $win_width* $scale] \
+											[expr $rect_y + $ii * $win_height* $scale] \
+											[expr $rect_x + ($i+1) * $win_width* $scale] \
+											[expr $rect_y + ($ii+1) * $win_height* $scale] \
+											-outline black -fill blue -width 1]
+					#ag_puts "$lcanvas create rectangle [expr $startx + $i * $win_width* $scale] \
+					#						[expr $starty + $ii * $win_height* $scale] \
+					#						[expr $startx + ($i+1) * $win_width* $scale] \
+					#						[expr $starty + ($ii+1) * $win_height* $scale] \
+					#						-outline black -fill blue -width 1"
+				}
+			}
+			$lcanvas coords $therect $startx $starty $endx $endy
+		}
+		#ag_puts ""
+		#ag_puts "grid_top_x: $grid_top_x"
+		#ag_puts "grid_top_y: $grid_top_y"
+		#ag_puts "grid_bot_x: $grid_bot_x"
+		#ag_puts "grid_bot_y: $grid_bot_y"
+		#ag_puts "parcel_width: $parcel_width"
+		#ag_puts "parcel_height: $parcel_height"
+		#ag_puts "grid_width: $grid_width"
+		#ag_puts "grid_height: $grid_height"
+		#ag_puts "win_width: $win_width"
+		#ag_puts "win_heigth: $win_height"
+    }
+	variable poi_x
+	variable poi_y
+	proc start_move {c x y} {
+		# move the windowsplacinggrid by pressing shift and the first mouse button
+		variable poi_x
+		variable poi_y
+		set poi_x $x
+		set poi_y $y
+	}
+	proc continue_move {c x y} {
+		# move the windowsplacinggrid by pressing shift and the first mouse button
+		variable poi_x
+		variable poi_y
+		variable delta_x
+		variable delta_y
+		variable startx
+		variable starty
+		variable endx
+		variable endy
+		set delta_x [expr $x - $poi_x]
+		set delta_y [expr $y - $poi_y]
+		set startx [expr $startx + $delta_x]
+		set starty [expr $starty + $delta_y]
+		set endx [expr $endx + $delta_x]
+		set endy [expr $endy + $delta_y]
+		set poi_x $x
+		set poi_y $y
+		# ag_puts "Start Move: $tmp_x $tmp_y"
+		update_grid_vars x 1
+	}
+    proc start_rubberband {c x y} {
+		variable therect
+		variable gridrect
+		variable scale
+		variable startx
+		variable starty
+		variable endx
+		variable endy
+		variable maxx
+		variable minx
+		variable maxy
+		variable miny
+		variable canv_width
+		variable canv_height
+		if { $x < 0 } { set x 0 }
+		if { $x > $canv_width } { set x $canv_width }
+		if { $y < 0 } { set y 0 }
+		if { $y > $canv_height } { set y $canv_height; puts "max" }
+		set startx $x
+		set starty $y
+		set endx $x
+		set endy $y
+		if [ info exists therect ] {
+			$c delete $therect
+		}
+		if [info exists gridrect ] {
+			$c delete $gridrect
+		}
+		set therect [$c create rectangle $x $y $x $y]
+		update_grid_vars
+		variable grid_top_x
+		variable grid_top_y
+		variable grid_width
+		variable grid_height
+		variable win_width
+		variable win_height
+		variable minx
+		variable miny
+		set gr_x [expr int($grid_top_x * $scale - $minx)]
+		set gr_y [expr int($grid_top_y * $scale - $miny) ]
+		set gr_xe [expr int(($grid_top_x + $win_width * $grid_width) * $scale)]
+		set gr_ye [expr int(($grid_top_y + $win_height * $grid_height) * $scale)]
+    }	
+    proc continue_rubberband {c x y} {
+		variable therect
+		variable gridrect
+		variable scale
+		variable startx
+		variable starty
+		variable endx
+		variable endy
+		variable maxx
+		variable minx
+		variable maxy
+		variable miny
+		variable top
+		variable canv_width
+		variable canv_height
+		if { $x < 0 } { set x 0 }
+		if { $x > $canv_width } { set x $canv_width }
+		if { $y < 0 } { set y 0 }
+		if { $y > $canv_height } { set y $canv_height; puts "max" }
+		set endx $x
+		set endy $y
+		# the following line is moved to update_vars
+		# $c coords $therect $startx $starty $endx $endy
+		update_grid_vars $c
+		variable grid_width 
+		variable grid_height
+		variable grid_top_x
+		variable grid_top_y
+		variable win_width
+		variable win_height
+		variable minx
+		variable miny
+		set gr_x [expr int($grid_top_x * $scale - $minx)]
+		set gr_y [expr int($grid_top_y * $scale - $miny) ]
+		set gr_xe [expr int(($grid_top_x + $win_width * $grid_width) * $scale)]
+		set gr_ye [expr int(($grid_top_y + $win_height * $grid_height) * $scale)]
+	#	puts "S: $startx $starty $endx $endy"
+	#	puts "G: $scale $minx $miny $grid_top_x $grid_top_y $gr_x $gr_y $gr_xe $gr_ye"
+	#	$c coords $gridrect $gr_x $gr_y $gr_xe $gr_ye
+	#	moved to update_grid_vars
+	#	$top.bottomframe.textbox.gridw configure -text "Grid width: $grid_width"
+	#	$top.bottomframe.textbox.gridh configure -text "Grid height: $grid_height"
+	}
+	proc finish_rubberband {c } {
+		# this proc was left intentionally empty
+    }
+#  global ag_win
+#      set ag_win(small,unix,width) 250
+#      set ag_win(small,unix,height) 200
+#      set ag_win(small,windows,width) 185
+#      set ag_win(small,windows,height) 172
+#      set ag_win(medium,unix,width) 365
+#      set ag_win(medium,unix,height) 338
+#      set ag_win(medium,windows,width) 360
+#      set ag_win(medium,windows,height) 322
+#button .doit -text "show autoplacer" -command {ag_autoplace::show_ui}
+#pack .doit
+#  global ag_autoplace_size ag_autoplace_active
+#  set ag_autoplace_size medium
+#  set ag_autoplace_active 1
+#  ag_autoplace::show_ui
+#ag_autoplace::ag_build_autoplacer .apholder { { 0 0 1280 996 } { 1280 0 2304 768 } }
+#{{0 0 1023 767} {1024 0 2047 767} {0 768 1279 1791} }

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