[Sumover-dev] Re: Reg: VIC on OS X

Douglas Kosovic douglask at itee.uq.edu.au
Wed Aug 12 01:21:05 BST 2009

Hi Akhila,

> Can you help me in splitting the ports? Sending and receiving..
> Are there any other instructions for compiling vic on mac? I tried around 5
> times changing the name of hostname and it worked for only LOCALHOST and
> does not work after I quit terminal. How do I link static libraries for vic?
> And what libraries do I need to include while 'make'?

The configure instructions I've given you were what I use for Linux, but 
were also applicable to MacOS X.

To see which shared libraries vic was linked against, issue:
   otool -L vic

You would only want to statically link against UCL common, x264 and 
ffmpeg. gcc (with no explicit switches for linking against static 
libraries) will link against a static library if it can't find the 
corresponding dynamic library.

 > I am attaching the log file. May be you can tell me something as to
 > where I am going wrong. I am trying to understand the log file now.

In your log ffmpeg and x264 appear to be getting built statically, also 
don't do a 'make install' for UCL common as that will install it's 
dynamic library in /usr/local/lib.

 > I used the binary file from the website and typed
 > ./vic -l i am attaching the log file I received. It's
 > still transmitting on my ip and not on loopback. It took me time to
 > figure this out. Why is this doing this?
 > I need to transmit on loopback address on my application.

Is there any reason you aren't using multicast to sidestep the intristic 
limitations of unicast? You can limit multicast to just your Mac by 
setting the TTL to 1, e.g. :

    vic -t 1

You can use RTP recorders like AGVCR to record the RTP packets that are 
getting sent, but a 2nd vic on the same machine won't display the video 
sent by the 1st local vic by design.


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