[Sumover-dev] [svn commit] r4776 - in vic/branches/mpeg4: win32

sumover-dev at cs.ucl.ac.uk sumover-dev at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Wed Apr 14 14:35:18 BST 2010

Author: douglask
Date: Wed Apr 14 14:35:18 2010
New Revision: 4776


Updated Windows build instructions.

Modified: vic/branches/mpeg4/README.WIN32
--- vic/branches/mpeg4/README.WIN32	(original)
+++ vic/branches/mpeg4/README.WIN32	Wed Apr 14 14:35:18 2010
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-Building VIC on Windows platforms
+VIC on Windows platforms
-The VIC distribution contains a MS Visual Studio workspace for building various
-releases.  The following project configurations are available from the
-build->'set active configuration' menu item: 
+Please see win32\build_install.txt for building instructions.
-vic win32 release              - Non debug IPv4 build
-vic win32 debug ipv6 musica    - Debug build for use with Musica IPv6 stack
-vic win32 debug                - Debug IPv4 build
-vic win32 debug ipv6 win2000   - Debug IPv6 build for Windows 2000
-vic win32 debug ipv6 msr       - Debug IPv6 build for MS research IPv6 stack
-vic win32 release ipv6 win2000 - Release IPv6 build for Windows 2000
+The VIC distribution contains a Visual Studio 2008 solution
+file (vic.2008.sln) for building various releases.
+The following Solutions Configurations are available from
+the Build->'Configuration Manger...' menu item: 
+vic Release (nonGPL)           - Non-GPL release build
+vic Debug (nonGPL)             - Non-GPL debug build
+vic Release (GPL)              - GPL release build
+vic Debug (GPL)                - GPL debug build

Modified: vic/branches/mpeg4/win32/build_install.txt
--- vic/branches/mpeg4/win32/build_install.txt	(original)
+++ vic/branches/mpeg4/win32/build_install.txt	Wed Apr 14 14:35:18 2010
@@ -1,52 +1,100 @@
-Win32 build instruction written by Barz Hsu and updated by Piers 4 June 09
+Win32 build instructions for Visual Studio 2008
-Get and install the following:
-- The latest version of mingw from http://www.mingw.org/
-  o YOu will need win32api, w32runtime, utils, gcc
-- Get Yasm and copy it to a directory in your PATH (e.g. c:\Windows) and rename it yasm.exe
-  => http://www.tortall.net/projects/yasm/wiki/Download 
-# Get and Make FFmpeg DLL under Mingw 
-- Get ffmpeg-0.5 from:
-  => http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-0.5.tar.bz2
-- Untar and configure:
-tar xfj ffmpeg-0.5.tar.bz2 && cd ffmpeg-0.5
-./configure  --enable-memalign-hack --enable-swscale --enable-gpl --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-postproc --prefix=../win32 --bindir=../win32/l
-ib --enable-w32threads
+Non-GPL VIC (Release or Debug) version pre-requisites:
+- UCL Common Multimedia Library source code
+    http://mediatools.cs.ucl.ac.uk/nets/mmedia/wiki/SvnDev
+- A recent Direct X SDK install
+    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/directx/
+- A recent ActiveTcl 8.5 install
+    http://www.activestate.com/activetcl/downloads/
+To build Non-GPL VIC with VS2008, select Release or Debug in the "Solutions Configuration" drop down menu, then click "Configuration Manger..." in the same menu and select Debug (nonGPL) or Release (nonGPL).
+VIC GPL (Release or Debug) version pre-requisites:
+- All the non-GPL VIC prerequisites
+- Yasm assembler
+    http://www.tortall.net/projects/yasm/wiki/Download
+copy it to a directory in your PATH (e.g. C:\Windows) and rename it to yasm.exe
+- Info-ZIP 2.21
+   ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/win32/zip232xn.zip
+Extract zip.exe from the above zip file and copy it into a directory in your PATH (e.g. C:\Windows).
+Note: ZIP 3.0 must not be used as it has a bug which prevents it from adjusting the ZIP offset of the zip file that gets appended to vic.exe.
+- MinGW and MSYS
+    http://www.mingw.org/
+- ffmpeg SVN revision 20462
+    svn checkout -r 20462 svn://svn.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg/trunk ffmpeg
+- libswscale SVN revision 29824
+    svn checkout -r 29824 svn://svn.ffmpeg.org/mplayer/trunk/libswscale  ffmpeg/libswscale
+- x264-snapshot-20090708-2245
+    http://downloads.videolan.org/pub/videolan/x264/snapshots/
+- pthread-win32 2.8.0
+    http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/
+Please see “Preparing the MSys+MinGW system” and "Building FFmpeg SVN statically" links on the following page for instructions on how to setup MSys and MinGW for building FFmpeg :
+  http://ffmpeg.arrozcru.org/wiki/index.php
+On the MSYS command-line to build ffmpeg in the ffmpeg svn checkout folder, issue:
+./configure  --enable-memalign-hack --enable-gpl --enable-postproc --enable-w32threads
 make install
-# Get and Make X264 DLL under Mingw
-- Get x264-snapshot-20090531-2245 snapshot:
-  => http://downloads.videolan.org/pub/videolan/x264/snapshots/x264-snapshot-20090531-2245.tar.bz2
-- Untar and configure:
-tar xfj x264-snapshot-20090531-2245.tar.bz2 && cd x264-snapshot-20090531-2245
-./configure --enable-shared --prefix=../win32
-* patch Makefile for generating DLL
-add the 3-6 lines in SONAME target
-1: $(SONAME): .depend $(OBJS) $(OBJASM)
-2:        $(CC) -shared -o $@ $(OBJS) $(OBJASM) -Wl,-soname,$(SONAME) $(LDFLAGS)
-3: ifeq ($(SYS),MINGW)
-4:        $(CC) -shared -Wl,--output-def,libx264.def -o libx264.dll $(OBJS) $(OBJA
-5:        lib /machine:i386 /def:libx264.def
-6: endif
+On the MSYS command-line to build pthread-win32 2.8.0 in it's unpacked folder, issue:
+make clean GC-static
+cp -p pthread.h sched.h /usr/local/include/
+cp -p libpthreadGC2.a /usr/local/lib/
+On the MSYS command-line to build x264 in it's unpacked folder, issue:
+CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib ./configure --disable-avis-input
 make install
+Note: x264 must be built after pthread-win32 so that x264's configure can detect pthread support.
+VIC has an additional dependency on the MinGW zlib package which can be downloaded from:
+  http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/
+The Release GPL version of VIC will fail to link in VS2008 if the following isn't performed on the "Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt" console:
+cd C:\MinGW\lib
+lib -remove:mbrtowc.o libmingwex.a
+lib -remove:wcrtomb.o libmingwex.lib
+Note: the last line has libmingwex.lib and the previous libmingwex.a 
+[Optional] to reduce the size of vic.exe, strip the debugging info from the MinGW, ffmpeg and x264 libraries, on the MSYS command-line issue :
+cd /mingw/lib
+strip -x *.a
+cd /usr/local/lib/
+strip -x *.a
-# Build VIC using Visual studio as normal. 
+To build GPL VIC with VS2008, select Release or Debug in the "Solutions Configuration" drop down menu, then click 'Configuration Manger..." in the same menu and select Debug (GPL) or Release (GPL).

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