[Iccrg] Soliciting input for cc. bibliography

Radek Krzywania sfrog at man.poznan.pl
Thu Jun 15 16:09:15 BST 2006

> I believe that a short but sharply focused document on approaches to cc  
> would be extremely valuable for network
> designers to explore new ways of dealing with congestion in next  
> generation networks.

Hi all
I was tracking the recent discussion on the list, and I agree with Doan.  
Large number of papers does not improve the current knowledge and are not  
worth of anylising them in details. It is much better to deal with  
approaches. I guess there are lot of web pages/papers which tries to  
compare the approaches and describe them, but I'd like to intorduce yet  
another page with short algorithms description:
You may find there a quite "human readable" descriptions, including main  
TCP approaches. I'am sure that much details are lack there, but I think it  
may be a good start anyway.


Radoslaw Krzywania       Network Research and Development
sfrog at man.poznan.pl      Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
+48 61 858 20 28         http://www.man.poznan.pl

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