[Iccrg] feedback on draft-irtf-tmrg-metrics?
Michael Welzl
michael.welzl at uibk.ac.at
Tue Mar 6 14:58:08 GMT 2007
Dear Sally,
I'm terribly sorry for waiting until the last minute; in fact
I didn't, it's just a matter of luck that I can still make
this just on time....
I read it, and think it's a really useful document. I just
have some minor comments:
Page 9, Paragraph under 3.3 heading: I would state that the
"fairness between TCP and a new transport protocol" is
commonly called "TCP-friendliness"; that term seems to be
missing in this document.
2 paragraphs below: I always found this definition of
max-min fairness a bit hard to grasp, and always liked
the fact that most authors explain the "progressive
filling algorithm" as a way of thinking about it. It would
be a nice service for readers to add a sentence of this
algorithm here.
3 paragraphs below (proportional fairness definition) -
here, you take the definition from Kelly's paper but
omit the definition of a "feasible allocation". Additionally,
I would again provide readers with an explanation that
makes it easier to understand the concept - you could
just say that proportional fairness is the outcome of
maximizing the log utility functions of all flows
page 11 2nd paragraph under heading 3.4: shouldn't
it be "In general, _THE_ Internet architecture has valued..." ?
Last sentence of last paragraph in this section: shouldn't
it be "lower interference _WITH_ other users"?
Maybe these two suggestions are wrong, as I'm not
a native English speaker - but then again, maybe they
are typos.
That's it!
On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 17:17 -0800, Sally Floyd wrote:
> "Metrics for the Evaluation of Congestion Control Mechanisms",
> internet-draft draft-irtf-tmrg-metrics-07.txt, is available from:
> http://www.icir.org/tmrg/draft-irtf-tmrg-metrics-07.txt
> http://www.icir.org/tmrg/draft-irtf-tmrg-metrics-07.ps
> This draft has finished review within the TMRG (Transport
> Modeling Research Group), and is ready to be passed to
> the IRTF for review and publication. However, before I pass
> this to the IRTF, this is to pass it by ICCRG for feedback.
> If anyone would like to read it and give feedback, feedback
> would be appreciated in the next two weeks (that is,
> by March 6). After that, I will forward the draft to IRTF
> for review and publication as an Informational RFC.
> Many thanks,
> - Sally
> http://www.icir.org/floyd/
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