[Iccrg] Fwd: Unofficial BoF on "re-ECN architectural intent"

Bob Briscoe rbriscoe at jungle.bt.co.uk
Wed Mar 21 13:56:16 GMT 2007


Unofficial BoF (starting in 12mins).

Wed 21 March 1510-1640 (90mins) in Karlin I.

I've arranged with Marcia for cookies & drinks to be left outside the room 
part-way through, so I've scheduled a 10min break to go hunting and gathering.

Slides are here
Loads of spare slides for whatever questions you fire at me.

Agenda is below (unchanged from previous announcement). Aaron Falk will 
kindly be chairing this.



>Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 14:19:04 +0000
>To: DCCP mailing list <dccp at ietf.org>
>From: Bob Briscoe <rbriscoe at jungle.bt.co.uk>
>Subject: Unofficial BoF on "re-ECN architectural intent"
>"The architectural intent of the re-ECN protocol"
>In Prague we'll be doing an unofficial 'Bar' BoF on this (see 
><http://www.ietf.org/tao.html> for what that is)
>Wed 21 March 1510-1640 in Karlin I.
>A number of people have asked for this, as they've found the short slots 
>in IETF w-gs aren't really suitable to discuss and challenge the intent of 
>what is effectively a proposal for major architectural change, albeit in 
>one bit.
>It's v relevant to DCCP, as it provides the environment for evolution of 
>"responsible" new congestion controls, but it gives much more freedom than 
>TCP-friendliness (I've explained why that's a broken concept anyway in ).
>Proposed Bar BoF agenda:
>Start 15:10
>1. [ 5mins] Administrivia
>2. [30mins] Architectural intent of re-ECN
>             (including a simple abstraction of how it works)
>3. [20mins] Questions & Answers
>4. [10mins] Is there community interest in working in this problem space?
>             IETF or IRTF?
>             How best to go about architectural change.
>             Next Steps.
>5. [10mins] I'll try to get cookies & drinks in the room.
>6. [15mins (squeezable/stretchable)] More questions & discussion.
>End 16:40
>Brief background and further links below...
>The re-ECN protocol aims to make IP senders (including forwarders) 
>accountable for the pain they inflict on others (congestion). The re-ECN 
>protocol claims to allow different forms of congestion control to be 
>policed in different ways, or not policed at all, depending on policy.
>Embodied in re-ECN's design are implicit answers or deliberate non-answers 
>to many subtle architectural and policy issues:
>- who should decide on fairness?
>- how do we expect networks as a whole to police traffic from other networks?
>- what fairness policies might ISPs or groups of users want between them?
>- not just provider networks, but self-provided (incl. ad hoc) networks?
>- re-ECN claims to allow evolvability of congestion control. Assumptions?
>- it claims to mitigate DDoS and provide the right incentives to fix it. How?
>- it claims to do QoS more simply? Sure?
>- how does re-ECN relate to routing?
>- what about cheating?
>- should we control the sender or the receiver or both?
>- doesn't this just move the policing problem up a layer?
>- what about layered networks (IP over MPLS, ethernet, IP in IP etc)?
>- what likely outcome will we see for the Internet with this?
>- what if we do nothing?
>- why doesn't it solve world hunger?
>Re-ECN: Adding Accountability for Causing Congestion to TCP/IP
>Full list of supporting documentation and papers:
>Notice: This contribution is the personal view of the author and does not 
>necessarily reflect the technical nor commercial direction of BT plc.
>Bob Briscoe,                           Networks Research Centre, BT Research
>B54/77 Adastral Park,Martlesham Heath,Ipswich,IP5 3RE,UK.    +44 1473 645196

Notice: This contribution is the personal view of the author and does not 
necessarily reflect the technical nor commercial direction of BT plc.
Bob Briscoe,                           Networks Research Centre, BT Research
B54/77 Adastral Park,Martlesham Heath,Ipswich,IP5 3RE,UK.    +44 1473 645196 

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