[Iccrg] AD review: draft-irtf-iccrg-welzl-congestion-control-open-research-07

Lars Eggert lars.eggert at nokia.com
Fri Jul 16 13:00:56 BST 2010


please find my RFC5742 review below. In short, there are no blocking issues, but the document would be improved by a revision that fixes the significant editorial nits in order to save the RFC Editor some work.

Please let me know if you want to do this revision, or if I should move the document forward as-is.


  The document has a significant amount of ID-nits that should have been
  found - at the latest - during the IRSG review and fixed before this
  was forwarded to the IESG. In short: missing status, no IANA section,
  superfluous RFC2199 boilerplate and a HUGE list of missing or unused
  references, splitting references into normative/informative, etc.
  (Hint: you need to do the latter so idnits generates useful warnings
  on missing/unused references.)

  This is not a reason to hold up the document (per RFC5742), but since
  the RFC Editor will have a very difficult time at guessing how these
  should be fixed up before publication, you may want to fix these nits
  for them, in order to speed up the document processing.

Section 1., paragraph 1:
>    This document, result of the ICCRG Research Group, describes some
>    of the open research topics in the domain of Internet congestion
>    control that are known today.

  The introduction does not adequately describe what level of consensus
  and review this document has received in the ICCRG. See RFC5743
  Section 2.1.

Section 3.3, paragraph 28:
>      This issue is under discussion in the Transport Area Working Group.

  Statements about which topics are being discussed where are unlikely
  to have long-term archival interest. Suggest to rephrase. (There are
  also other instances of this in the document.)

Section 5., paragraph 0:
> 5. References

  Splitting references into normative and informative is a requirement
  for RFCs, please do so.

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