[Iccrg] Can TCP stay in slow start 'for ever'?

Bob Briscoe bob.briscoe at bt.com
Fri Sep 9 15:56:38 BST 2011


Thank you. That's exactly what I was looking for. I knew of RFC2861, 
but only remembered the restart after idle part. I hadn't realised it 
also covered non-idle but app-limited periods. The algo looks reasonable.

Yes, I would still be interested in whether anyone knows the 
implementation status of RFC2861.


At 13:25 09/09/2011, Tim Shepard wrote:

>I believe RFC 2861 (IETF status "EXPERIMENTAL") is on exactly this topic.
>There's also the "Restarting Idle Connections" section in RFC 5681
>(IETF status DRAFT STANDARD), but from my quick re-read of that
>section just now that does not seem to fully answer your question.
>(And there may be more relevant RFCs to point at that I'm not aware of
>  at the moment.)
>I'm not sure what modern TCP implementations actually do about this.
>But I know there has been some awareness of this issue before.  If you
>don't get a complete enough answer on this list, you might also want
>to ask on the tcpm mailing list.
>                         -Tim Shepard
>                         shep at alum.mit.edu

Bob Briscoe,                                BT Innovate & Design 

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