[Sumover-dev] Retrieving a user's video data

Thibault Daoulas thibault.daoulas at canterbury.ac.nz
Mon Nov 17 05:31:58 GMT 2008

    I have a question about an issue I am quite stuck on for a while. 
Basically I want to render each video streaming of each participant, 
frame per frame, on an OpenGL texture. In order to do this, I want to 
get the video frames of each source, so ideally there would be a method 
in the rtp/Source class "getData()" which would return a u_char*, which 
I would then transfer to the tcl interface, and finally map as a bitmap 
onto an OpenGL (tcl3d in our case) texture.
The point is that I do not really understand how to get this data. The 
method I thought adequate was "head_->video_data()", but each time I try 
to access it, I get a segmentation fault, and actually I do not know if 
the PacketData * head_ represents...
Can anyone help me about this?

Thank you very much for any advice,


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