[Iccrg] Soliciting input for cc. bibliography

Wesley Eddy weddy at grc.nasa.gov
Tue Jun 13 14:42:47 BST 2006

On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 12:16:16PM +0200, Michael Welzl wrote:
> Speaking of overviews, there was this recent discussion
> about writing an overview of cc. related RFCs. I think
> that we should proceed with this, and I also think that
> we should write an overview of other cc. mechanisms. My
> question to the group is: should these be two separate
> documents or a single one?

For the CC-related RFCs, the TCP Roadmap already covers this ground (and
hopefully does so pretty well).  To me it does not seem valuable for the
ICCRG to spend a lot of time rehashing this, or asking participants to
review another, different, book report of this same material.  The
relevent roadmap portions are:

On the other hand, a document that itemizes and describes the more
radical congestion control algorithms would be valuable, and I think the
group should concentrate on this deliverable.  To my knowledge, the only
such algorithms that are currently described in RFCs are HighSpeed
and Limited Slow-Start, so the TCP Roadmap does not even begin to cover
this area.
Wesley M. Eddy
Verizon Federal Network Systems

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