[Iccrg] Wes Eddy to co-chair ICCRG

Michael Welzl michael.welzl at uibk.ac.at
Fri Jan 12 18:48:32 GMT 2007

Dear all,

Wes Eddy will be co-chairing the Internet Congestion Control Research  
Group.  We has been active in the IETF TCPM working group and will  
bring additional IETF awareness to the RG (which is expected to take  
a more active role in reviewing congestion control proposals prior to  
IETF consideration).  S. Keshav, the current ICCRG co-chair, will be  
stepping down due to lack of cycles.

Wes works for Verizon as an on-site contractor at NASA's Glenn  
Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio.  His work at NASA is focused on  
developing new architectures for both space-based networking and  
civil air traffic control that migrate legacy systems into IP-based  
net-centric operations.  Before Verizon, he was a student at Ohio  
University,  and an intern at NASA.  He has worked on analysis,  
modelling, simulation, and real-world implementations of several  
standard and custom transport protocols, mobility mechanisms, and  
delay-tolerant networking protocols.  He is active in the IETF TCPM  
working group, and co-authored the working group's TCP Roadmap RFC  
(RFC 4614) and TCP SYN Flooding document, among other contributions.   
He has advised the International Civil Aviation Organization (the  
United Nations's air traffic control standards body) on the IETF  
process and on the status of the IETF's applicable mobility

Keshav, thanks for your service.  Welcome Wes!


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