[Iccrg] Submitting draft-irtf-iccrg-cc-rfcs-01 for IRSG review

Michael Welzl michael.welzl at uibk.ac.at
Thu May 24 22:20:03 BST 2007

> IMHO, this document does not look ready to publish. I am also struggling 
> a little to see which part of the Charter this addresses, and the 
> intended purpose of this document, so I suspect the content or abstract, 
> or both need work.

As far as I know, a IRTF RG can publish RFCs which are not
mentioned in its charter. Regarding the purpose, here's the relevant
part from the abstract:

The intent of this document is to be an informational
snapshot of the current state of Internet standards and other IETF
products related to congestion control.  This is an initial output of
the IRTF's Internet Congestion Control Research Group (ICCRG) and may
be used as one reference or starting point for the future work of the
research group, especially in noting gaps or open issues in the
current IETF standards.

I agree that saying "the intent of the document is to be a document
which is XY" doesn't really say much; the purpose is clearer from
the second sentence - the intention is indeed to provide a starting
point for the future work of the research group, and we hope that
it will help to note gaps or open issues in current IETF standards.

I agree to rephrase the abstract, making this intention more prominent.

As for the content, I think that this part of the 2nd paragraph in the
introduction says quite what the purpose of the document is:

   When designing a new Internet protocol, it is therefore important to
   not only understand how congestion control works in TCP but also have
   a broader understanding of congestion control and know about other
   related RFCs -- some of them give guidance, some of them describe
   mechanisms which may have a direct influence on a newly designed
   protocol, and some of them may only be "related work" worth knowing
   about.  The purpose of this document is to facilitate and encourage
   this search for knowledge by providing an overview of RFCs related to
   congestion control that have been published thus far.  This document
   is a product of the IRTF's Internet Congestion Control Research Group
   (ICCRG) as a strong grasp of the existing literature should benefit
   further ICCRG work. 

I'd agree to make the intended purpose more prominent in the
document - as I think that this text already says it quite clearly,
I'd appreciate if you could make a more concrete suggestion,

> It currently seems to be a summary of the various RFCs produced by IETF 
> TSV area. I suggest at least the tsvwg chairs need to review this (and I 
> missed this stage - probably through overload, it was certainly not by 
> intention).

I don't think that they *need* to review this, but it would surely make
sense if they did.

Any other concerns?


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